20+ Benefits to Throwing Your Yoga Mat Away and Buying an Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga Mat

Ayurveda Yoga Mat Dye Process

Ethically made – even our dyes are upcycled to the trees. (Reason #15)

An Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga mat is 100% biodegradable. Is yours?

Not only are our Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga Mats biodegradable, so is our manufacturing process.

First off, each dye bath is used multiple times to dye multiple batches of textile material. For example, after a green dye, the bath may be changed by adding additional Ayurvedic herbs and other plants to make another color, as the dye bath goes on to give life as many times as possible. Sometimes, as many as 4-6 Ayurvedic formulas can be produced through the dying process.

At the end of the Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga Mat dye bath life, the herbal formula is poured at the base of the trees in the local community this then returns to the cycle of life. We truly love this part of our process and we hope you do too!

With aura mat, we will never change our process. There simply is nothing to improve or change to make sales. Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga mats have been made for thousands of years and we don’t intend to change anything, not one thing. Choose from Vata, Pitta, or Kapha qualities and balance your energetic auric body today.

Stop by www.auramat.com and choose your experience today.

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