Personalized Ayurveda Yoga & Meditation Mats

Which Ayurveda Yoga Mat is Best for You?

You can now easily identify which of our Ayurveda products will best support your path to balancing mind, body and soul with the worlds first, Ayurveda Yoga & Meditation Mat. 

Our simple Ayurveda Yoga Mat Survey is the first of its kind for Ayurveda Yoga and Meditation Mats. This has simply never been done until now! We were also the first to bring these Yoga mats to the USA. Now, our first of its kind Dosha app allows you to input your personalized information which is then calculated to suggest Ayurveda Yoga and Meditation products for you in order of your specific Ayurvedic dosha answers. Congratulations, you are ahead of the crowd! This is the most advanced way to buy a Yoga Mat today!

Ayurveda, a system of health dating back over 5000 years, is broken into 3 Doshas and within the three Doshas there are 5 elements. Every individual is said to be made of all 5 elements and with a unique make up of the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha.


Vata is made up of two elements Either and Air. Either is said to be that which holds everything together or the fabric of life. Air is said to represent movement within the body. A Vata person is described as someone who has a thin body frame or may talk fast.


Pitta is made up of two elements Fire and Water. Fire is said to be the digestive fire or Agni within. Water is said to represent the fluids of the body and a flowing. Pitta dominate individuals have a more muscular toned body type and sharp memory.


Kapha is made up of two elements Water and Earth. Water is said to represent the fluids of the body and a flowing. Earth represents the physical body and mass. Kapha dominate individuals have a larger structure and bigger frame.

Ayurveda and the Campfire Philosphy

Sages and wisdom keepers of the past described the Doshas like a campfire. Kapha being the wood or the material to burn, Pitta the fire and Vata the Air to feed the fire oxygen. 

Too much of one element and the fire begins to experience challenges which also give valuable insight into the human experience. For example – Too much Kapha and the fire will smolder and smoke, thus causing toxicity within the body. Too much Pitta and the fire or Agni will burn out of fuel and too much Vata the fire will simply blow out also causing toxicity or smoke. This delicate formula is easy or accomplished with “ease” when in balance. However, too much of any one element for anyone and “dis-ease” can become the result. 


Prakruti is said the be the original state of the Doshas for the individual. Over time, these elements change and the current state is referred to as Vikruti. The goal of Ayurveda is to return the individual to the original dosha qualities or Prakruti.

The solutions for any imbalance becomes very intuitive in that if something is too hot, it needs more cold, too dry, more moist qualities and so the individual then can apply the appropriate elements to their experience thus bringing the persons current state, Vikruti, back in balance with their original state or Prakruti. 

Many imbalances can be easily balanced with proper knowledge and use of the 5 elements, earth, water, fire, air and either.

Shop Authentic Ayurvedic Yoga Mats
Yoga Mat Ayurveda Yellow Auramat

Vata Yoga & Meditation Mat

Our authentic Vata Yoga & Mediation Mat is good for the individual looking for a mat which will bring in the elements of Air and Either. This is a great mat for astro travel meditations. The turmeric, neem and tulsi provide a healing blend of anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This mat is for those individuals who are feeling lethargic and in need of more movement in their life.

Yoga Mat Ayurveda Red Sandalwood Pitta

Pitta Yoga & Meditation Mat

Our authentic Pitta Yoga & Mediation Mat is good for the individual looking for a mat which will bring in the elements of Fire and Water. This is a great mat increase the Agni or Fire within. The red sandalwood, neem and tulsi provide a healing blend of anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This mat is for those individuals who are looking to improve the sharp qualities of the physical and mental aspect of the human experince .

Yoga Mat Ayurveda Blue Auramat

Kapha Yoga & Meditation Mat

Our authentic Kapha Yoga & Mediation Mat is good for the individual looking for a mat which will bring in the elements of Water and Earth. This is a great someone who needs grounding or more flowing nature in their life. The indigo, neem and tulsi provide a healing blend of anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This mat is for those individuals who are feeling anxious and ungrounded or seeking stability.

Pick Your Dosha Specific Yoga Mat or Buy All Three!

Check out what our brand ambassadors have to say!

Svetlana Singletary Spiritual Healer

I suggest it to everyone!

Svetlana / Spiritual Teacher
Sukha the Band Loves Auramat

Such an amazing mat!!!

Nicole Sukhmani / Musician, Teacher
Harnam on AuraMat

helps go deeper into our meditations 🧘🏼‍♂️

Harnam / Musician / Teacher
RYK Yoga and Meditation

Best yoga mat. I use it everyday!

Mahadev / RYK Yoga & Meditation

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